The evolution in 1 minute of the woman body during pregnancy

The processing inside the body of a woman during the 40 weeks of pregnancy.

Pregnancy as never seen, fatigue, nausea and stretch marks, all women go through it with more or less intensity.

In this animation will see what happens to the body for all this to happen, this the first time until delivery.

They will be able to understand why pregnant women feel short of breath or because they have nausea.

In the first trimester of pregnancy hormones are “the attack” causing food cravings, nausea and even fatigue.

At eight weeks, the fetus begins to develop, the heart starts beating and legs arms and face also develop.

Twelve weeks, it may already know if it’s a boy or girl, the human form begins to appear.

Twenty weeks, the long-awaited “move” the baby happens.

At about 25 weeks, the liver is pushed up, the stomach has little space and the heart of the pregnant speeds.

In the third quarter, it is when the organs really are destroyed within the body so that the baby has room to grow.

Here’s the video with everything that happens to the body of a pregnant woman:

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